Monday 6 February 2012


Magazine Evaluation ‘Wyke’

First stage in creating my College magazine was to identify the LIIAR. This stands for Language, Ideology, Institution, Audience and Representation. This helped us understand what thought and effort is put into the cover to make the Cover of a magazine really effective so it would appeal to its Target Audience.  
My college magazine cover is a lot similar to other college magazines/magazines; I used similar conventions when making my magazine. This includes; Masthead – I wanted to make my mast head not to formal because I thought about my target audience Therefore I used the some slang. ‘The Wyke mag’ short for magazine name because of my target audience; barcode – on nearly all magazine the barcode is placed on the bottom corner, right hand side so it want hard knowing where to put it, this will be easily recognisable when scanning; left third – the reason for a left third is because when magazine I’ve stacked they always show the let third of the magazine, so we then put important advertising things in that part of the magazine. Such as topics involved in the magazine which will catch attention for people looking at the magazines. Flashes are normally on magazine covers, as something used to stand out as one of the main things on the magazine cover. On mine I used one to illustrate the price, and one to attract the audience to buy it ‘Fall Out Boy free tickets’ The Splash is used on ALL magazine covers, on mine the main splash was to make the full back ground look interesting, and because it’s a college magazine. A Photograph of the college is essential. 
The publisher of my magazine, would have to be the College itself as it wouldn’t need or appeal to anyone else out of college, and will be able to be shown to everyone in that college. 
Because its been published by the college they will trust it more, and would believe it would help them more if they buy it, because the Flash (fall out boy) involves a ticket in side which needs to be cut out. Students who would like the chance to win, would have to cut it out. (after purchasing it)
The message behind my magazine was to support my choice of college ‘Wyke magazine’ and by buying it made people think that it would support their own college too. By reading the magazine people would understand more about the college and what it involved. By using the Wyke college as a background, showed everyone how modern the college was, which I thought was a great idea. 
Makes parents know by the look (first instants) they are sending their child to the right college. 
My target audience for the magazine was easy because it was based on college students, and the majority of college students are between the ages of 16-19. Been in that age rage myself made it a lot easier for me to know what the students would be interested it and how I could promote this well.
Throughout the making of my magazine I constantly kept in mind who my target audience was, so I didn’t slip onto thinking about how I want it to look, because it appeals to more then just me. 
Been at Wyke college I see there are a lot of people who are vert indivuial and the majority of people there listen to there own types of music and are not bothered what other people think. Which is a big step up from school life. Therefore I used the band Fall Out Boy as a prize. 
I kept in mind the price, because myself and I know a lot of my friends wouldn’t pay a lot of money for a college magazine they would only read once. Especially how we only have little amount of money ourselves as we don’t have work (most of us) and would wanting to be spending it on things better then a college magazine. 
I tried to achieve it to the best of my ability, but I’m not very good at Photoshop but I used notes from previous lessons o guide me through it best as possible. I don’t think I achieved what I wanted very well, but I now know that if I work harder on trying to do it better for the next time. I will learn from my mistakes and achieve my best.
The representation  wasn’t biased at all to any people because I tried to keep it simple. I used the background from the school which wouldn’t effect anyone and a person doing his work, which is very simple and catching, and was very relevant to the magazine and other social groups, so in this case I think I did rather well. 

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