Monday 6 February 2012

Inital ideas

Inital Ideas

Firstly i was going to do a medium close shot of a person wearing a Wyke Btec sports hoody smiley to show she was a Wyke student happy to be at Wyke in front of the Wyke building, holding her books/folders. I didn't take very many pictures and i didn't have time to find anyone from P.e and because i didn't know any of them, i choose to change my ideas to taking photographs of students doing work. Having someone sad on the front page will not want to make anyone buy the magazine, because it doesn't make anyone happy? or happy to read it and also think, well she isn't happy to be at Wyke...?

 Also using the colours related to the College (purple)
using bright colours will make the magazine more happy! but each colour always has a connertation.

I used funky looking font to make the magazine less formal and appeal to its target audience alot more. There's nothing worse then buying a boring formal college magazine. We want abit of slang in there which is why i choose to call my magazine 'The Wyke mag'

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