Monday 6 February 2012

Target Audience, Price.

Taget Audience & Price (Prezi)

This is a mood board I have made to give me a grasp and ideas of how my music magazine will eventually look, and get a feel of what I need to include to be able to make it look as professional as these. Also help me develop some ideas by comparing my magazine to these and see if they are similar and fit in with my genre. The genre is very important in my magazine; these represent hip/hop, rap, chart music.

These also relate to my target audience. 16-24, simply because the music and singers are all targeted at young teenagers, and are represented as idols for people this age, who feel like they need to look like this and dream of looking like this.

Which tells me: All photogrpahs on magazine front covers need to be appealing. Otherwise no one will buy them, simply because the person on the front cover is not appealing...(horrible but true!)

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